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Contact Support#

If you have any issue or question related to Sia, check out our detailed FAQ first. You can also use the search feature and try to find relevant article or FAQ answer by providing some keywords, error, etc.

Trying to look for answers here first will not only help you to get the answer instantly in most of the cases but also save the time needed to contact the support and describe your issue.

Vast majority of questions and issues you can come up with is already covered in the FAQ with all the details. We are in contact with the Sia Support and monitoring Sia discord. Unanswered questions are continuously added here and updated.

You can also check out official Sia Support Site that was completely redesigned in January 2021 and provides excellent guides including images.

If you don’t find your answer here, feel free to contact the Sia Support at [email protected]. In the case you are hosting or renting and need urgent help, visit Sia Foundation’s official discord server and post in the #renting or #hosting channel depending on your issue. For more generic questions use #help.

Many questions were already answered even on discord. If you are in a hurry, try to use its #faq channel search feature to look up relevant answers and discussions in the channels.

Written by: Danger & Covalent, Last Edit: April 14, 2021